A steady hand for a steady ship

By Daryl
Tuesday, 31 October 2017

My first impression with Raffles Hall master Associate Prof Tan Lee Meng was during orientation.
He singled two persons out by name during one of the assemblies, one of them namely "moi" and then continued to rattle off some impressive information about me, which Malaysian town I came from, which school and hey! even my birthdate!
Stunned and impressed and of course impressionable, I concluded that he must have memorised all 200 over freshmen's data into his massive brain. He was like a father figure of Raffles Hall. He is always there, somehow knowing, somehow fully aware of what's going on around Raffles Hall even without the current CCTV and Facebook blogs.
He is always the ever-approachable father in the hostel. So, he was also very insightful to have first spotted my dilemma during my 2nd year, noting my strange divergent behaviour, since my breakup with my Ipoh long-distance girlfriend.

But I wasn't ready to share my problem. Well, it has to do with my own dad. He was a school discipline master and strict teacher and very strict father so by associating him with the Hall Master, nah.... not going anywhere there...
But to me, Associate Prof Tan Lee Meng will always be my Raffles Hall master.

