Rosita N Friends

A photograph of past concert.
Rosita N Friends
Advent-unes Charity Concert
Kampong Kapor Methodist Church Sanctuary
Guest of Honour Senior Judge Tan Lee Meng

It was nearing Christmas, and a month before December, Rosita asked if I could be the photographer for her concert. After checking my schedule, I immediately agreed. It was a great pleasure to do so. Watching her rehearse and perform brought me immense joy.

Rosita was a resident at Raffles Hall. Alongside Roger Ngaw and other musicians, they frequently performed during various functions held at the hall. Those were the days when I would rush back to the hall to attend the afternoon tea, a time when students from different faculties would gather and exchange ideas. I particularly enjoyed collecting responses from such a diverse group of people. Rosita was one of the students I was introduced to through Roger.

One of the most memorable occasions was after a formal dinner when Rosita and Roger began teasing each other about jazz. Roger claimed it was easy, just replaying some notes and adding variations. They started improvising, and a small group gathered to listen. It was an exuberant moment. I vaguely remember Chu Keong being present with his saxophone. When Chu Keong played, the girls were captivated by his craft, despite his modesty and frequent sneezing.

From behind my camera, I could always see the magic unfolding. The camera is a wonderful invention; it eternalizes scenes, capturing moments even when our eyes might miss them. In that hundredth of a second, it freezes a scene, allowing us to revisit and examine it for eternity.

I had photographed several of Rosita's concerts. The former master of Raffles Hall, Senior Judge Tan Lee Meng, often attended as her guest of honour, and she was always grateful for his support.

Yesterday was another of her concerts. We were treated to her new creations at the chapel of a Methodist church. The harp, played by the always-smiling Kae Chee, whose celestial strings were the center of attraction, added a magical touch to the evening.

"Rosita and Friends" featured singers Richard Eu, Norman Wong, Susanna Ho, Carolyn Tan, Mark Tay, and Wong Soong Hung, accompanied by Wong Kae Chee on the harp and Ben Ang managing all the electronics. There was also a silent auction of works by three artists: Mei Ho, Lewong Jong Lee Kee, and Koh Tien Gui.

My favourite piece, "Do Not Be Afraid," was upbeat and uplifting, leaving everyone in high spirits.

A slow rendition, What You Did For Me,

Another song,

This is the last song, The Other Side of Me,

After the concert, everyone eagerly posed with the harp. Lee Meng, in a delightful mood, struck a quick pose, but I was just too slow to capture it. I need more practice to be faster; the lag was killing me. I felt like a hunter losing his instinct. It was just one of those days.

With Christmas approaching, perhaps it’s time to reward myself with a new camera. Always upgrading, always searching for the next reason to capture the perfect moment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


