
the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.
"the story captured the zeitgeist of the late 1960s to the present "

Capture That Zeitgeist

Sonny the Initiator cum sponsor cum fund raiser
Andrew the Chief editor cum wise man cum historian
Rendy the Initiator cum coordinator cum supporter
WeiLee the chief coordinator cum spokeperson
Swee Kim the planner cum organiser cum singer
ED the Superstar writer cum interviewer cum straight talker
Daryl the writer cum entertainer cum artist cum motivator cum drone pilot
Wai Yin the star interviewer cum outlier cum soon to be writer
Meng Foo the photographer cum outlier cum webmaster cum realist

Sincere thanks to all contributors
Roger Ngaw
EngEng Tan
Rosita (tbc)
Kuang Hui (busy writing)
Stella (wtbs)
Teo Eng Leong (wait n c)

For information and submission of information to this website
please email to Meng Foo.

